Monday, November 9, 2009

Masterbation In Public Transport Does Masterbation Addiction At A Young Have Ffects In Your Future Life?

Does Masterbation addiction at a young have ffects in your future life? - masterbation in public transport

In this project for my health class as a junior and I have some questions to respond to the public me.If you are addicted to masturbation at a young age will affect your future life? If you have sex with your wife before you stand firm for a shorter time because of its dependence on masturbation in your life? And that would be deformities in their babies, etc. first or second or third child?


siren. said...

Yes! True, the people who masturbate frequently frequently for control, style and message of their own hands to be used. What are not set to any other person to take the training.

In short, can excessive masturbation sex life ruin your future.

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