Sunday, November 8, 2009

Iron-deficiency Anemia More Condition_symptoms Are Vegetarians More Prone To Iron-deficiency Anemia?

Are vegetarians more prone to iron-deficiency anemia? - iron-deficiency anemia more condition_symptoms

Yes, in the half. and since almost November, I started, I want ice cream. I read that this is a form of pica, a sign of iron deficiency is anemia. I wonder whether being a vegetarian has nothing to do with it. and very bad for me to my father or a doctor?


bananas4... said...

An iron supplement may help. I suggest that slow is brand FE - a slow-release supplement, easy to digest. Take one tablet per day. I take at bedtime, and I had no problem, and they have decreased my symptoms of anemia (fatigue, dizziness, headache, etc..)

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