Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Psychosis More Condition_symptoms What Are Common Psychosis In Modern People?

What are common psychosis in modern people? - psychosis more condition_symptoms

Who knows what the most common phobias, psychosis, people that make life more difficult for them because this condition?


Bill S said...

Psychoses, and phobias are apples and oranges ... There are ... Hmmmm plastic and glass ... Not the same thing at all.

Broader phobias: Snakes, spiders, heights, speaking in front of people

Psychosis: the paranoid are probably the most common. The factor of "suspicion" is too high. He / she receives me, they (the government, foreigners) to play with my mind and freedom, "they want" something from me and I want to be alone.

Much more common are the fetish for girls is a size bra for big kids and there are many people trying to sell the magnification. Another favorite is "Iam always connected, and not just because I have a cell phone more and more my ears ".... LOL

Allisand... said...

the dark spiders / bugs, small squares) chlostrophobia (, germs and get sick.

nicotine... said...

nervous system breakdowns

dtwladyh... said...

Psychosis is so hard to describe how the person he knows. They tend to be hearing voices, things are not there, paranoid, phobic, but also have hallucinations. Such as seeing, touch, taste, smell and hearing. Because they think they are good and we will do our best to supposedly normal people believe that it is impossible to say that they achieved convincing. In general, if the emergency department in this state who are authorized haloperidol 5 mg IM receive if they can wake up to be examined by various substances.

dtwladyh... said...

Psychosis is so hard to describe how the person he knows. They tend to be hearing voices, things are not there, paranoid, phobic, but also have hallucinations. Such as seeing, touch, taste, smell and hearing. Because they think they are good and we will do our best to supposedly normal people believe that it is impossible to say that they achieved convincing. In general, if the emergency department in this state who are authorized haloperidol 5 mg IM receive if they can wake up to be examined by various substances.

Connie D said...


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